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Art in the Club - Pedram Khosronejad Tuesday 28th May. 6pm for a 6.30pm start

contemporary art space & education (c.a.s.e. inc) are delighted to welcome:
Pedram Khosronejad

The art of curation,
a multicultural pathway

Pedram will be speaking about his thoughtful and considered approaches as a curator, and will be referencing his most recent exhibition at Grafton Regional Gallery, 'A Printers Proof: the Fred Genis Collection' .

This is a survey exhibition of prints from master lithographer Fred Genis, who through his long career collaborated with leading artists from around the world. Genis settled in the Northern Rivers in the latter part of his career with his family.

Based on his interdisciplinary museum and curatorial research, in this presentation Pedram will explore “how adopting an interpretive and reciprocal approach would thereby help to establish what a museum and gallery should be in the 21st century: a place of debate, engagement, and recognition with both timeless and contemporary themes."

Pedram's interests include questions of contemporary visual art, multidisciplinary curatorial approaches, museum migration collections, and the history of photography in relation to gender, sexuality, and race. In particular, he explores the manners by which art, memory, and material culture are bound up in, as well as influenced and altered by wider political, social, and cultural trends.

Professor Pedram Khosronejad is currently Curator – Exhibitions and Collection at the Grafton Regional Gallery, and an Adjunct Professor in the School of Social Science at Western Sydney University. Over his long career, he has worked as the Curator of Persian Arts at Powerhouse Ultimo, Sydney; the Associate Director of Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies at Oklahoma State University in the United States; and the Goli Rais Larizadeh Chair of the Iran Heritage Foundation for the Anthropology of Iran in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland .

'A Printers Proof: the Fred Genis Collection' is currently showing at Grafton Regional Gallery.


Come and enjoy the talk pictures and discussions over a glass of something from the bar
There is no charge for the talk.
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facebook: c.a.s.e. inc


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